Headmistress was very nice, and repeated, at last, that we considered. She said that there are some children, but with unexplained legal situation, no details they just said it. I was surprised. I felt in her voice so much optimism, perhaps it is my imagination and autosugestja, but it sounded as if she wanted to say something between the lines that something might happen ... may or may not ... Previously when I called she said very firmly that nothing is known, this time was different ...
Had our daughter was soon traced? I know that legal issues drag on for months, so we have to wait and wait, but it may soon happen to be a very good ...
I am optimistic, I feel a bit like a mom with a great (ogromnym!!) stomach, which waits for the birth, the belly is huge (almost elephant), but I still do not know when the baby wants wyść out ... Waiting
, but something else, I look forward with joy.
Yesterday I was also at Mrs. dietician, the cuisine of macrobiotics and five changes because of the holidays I have terrible stomach problems caused by gluttony evening, absorption ooogromnych (!!!) quantities of cakes and a general carelessness about tummy (unfortunately I have to be careful with eating, because I have IBS - irritable bowel syndrome, diagnosed over 10 years temu).
Wiec od wczoraj - dieta, ziółka i żeńszeń - wszytko jem gotowane, trzy posiłki na ciepło i ogólne zasady makrobiotyki, czyli zero świństw, słodyczy, póznych kolacji itp. Dzisiaj gotowałam rosół z prawdziwego biegającego kurczaka (pachnie bosko) i wiele innych specjałów. Generalnie jestem uwięziona w garach - trzy różne ciepłe posiłki dziennie dla dwóch osób, to nie lada wyzwanie dla takiej leniwej kurki domowej jak ja!
Mam nadzieję, że dam radę z tymi garami. Muszę być w dobrej kondycji jak pojawi się moja córeczka.
Poza tym, to mój kochany mąż od tygodnia sick, sneezes, snorts, coughs, and sipping my cure rosołki.
Munio also goes to wetrynarza tomorrow, because the last few days the smell of Mordka became unbearable (!!!), it's probably not normal, it can again bent angina ...
collectively sick, but hold on bravely, and hopefully the winter and spring.
Ps. Today I ran one of the classes in kindergarten and 25 children were present only two (!!!), the rest sick. It's probably some plague poświateczno-New Year ...
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