children up for adoption also have at least 6 weeks. What happens to them if they wait six weeks and usually much longer? What happens to my not found yet kruszynka?
Oh, we had a lot of backlog in przytulaniu, loving and masażykach! But we will manage!
Tosia, fortunately without any arrears, is that dopieszczonym, dokochanym pisklakiem.
Her mom showed me how to massage the face and body. I did not know that children love so masażyki and that it is so important.
rozmawiałm with my mother when Tosi, still on the course of pregnancy, I asked about his name for the baby and usłyszałm that will Antonina, and this is just my favorite name for a baby. I felt strange in the beginning, as if someone took something only my own, but then it just zaakteptowałam.
Besides it's raining again and it rains, so you jump the Muni through puddles.
our sun returns tomorrow.
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