Strangely I felt after that conversation, I was so totally wrong, no sense, and sad, and actually nothing specific is not learned ...
We wait, there are no children, nothing can not predict or promise, they are not factory children, or known facts ...
So where is depressed ...?
They take us into account, but there are other couples with long experience in waiting on us ... United
Headmistress was very nice, she said, that we call when we want, so I will call the effect! At least once a month.
Yesterday I found out also for two consecutive pregnancies from the vicinity of, or some sort of plague of difficult information, which will never end? But it was also good news, I called the friend of the course and got a wonderful girl. I envy them in a positive sense, and the most I'm glad for this little girl (after crossing), which came to them, they are very warm people and when they know the true familial love.
Today, I feel as normal, I made a few balls of felt, two pairs of earrings and the top two necklaces in the set. Wooden box is still waiting for paint. It's beautiful, freezing, snow and sun. Waiting. I wait and stare at the phone.