Saturday, March 7, 2009

What Do White Wolves Mean To Indians

With Salty-measure quickly moved to one of the oldest cities in Argentinian (size dorownujacemu Warsaw). Cordoba was founded with the end of the sixteenth century. The city of course, retains the character of most Latin American - layout of the streets here as everywhere like checkerboards. Cordoba, between the new, multi-storey buildings hidden treasures of world heritage by UNESCO. Streets besieged by crowds.

live on the outskirts of town, again using the hospitality of people belonging to the Hospitality Club. At home, we find after a few Poles podrozojacych America more or less as much time as we do. Magda Adam, however, are traveling by a completely different route, so it was nice to powymieniac their experience and insights. After one day it comes out that once we met already in Warsaw, and we have mutual friends!

Fatima no longer traveling in August gives us so much to enjoy exploring the city. We go in search of the Polish community in Cordoba, guided by the following specified address. Unfortunately - and this time it does not end successfully. What's more, it could end up bad, because by chance we find in the seemingly quiet in August, but dangerous districts of the city, and we become victims of assault niedoszlymi. The fact is that if the thieves really depended on the theft, that they did not have the slightest problem with the two of us (they were three young men). Fortunately, only one of them showed the greatest aggression so using the opportunity to przepychankach ran out into the streets, on which (for our help) came up two floors coach excursion. He opened the door and jumped into gear inside ... The driver then offered us a drink, Argentine alfajores cookies and warned that Cordoba is safe for tourists only in the center. We got on the bus station.

It was bad, it must be better: A chance encounter in August for a promotional bus tickets from Cordoba to Montevideo - direct, at a low price! Amazing - are the place to-morrow, and will be first-class coach to the extent then we took. Without thinking about buying tickets. We need something new, in Uruguay was not even us ... So, tomorrow we leave!


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