Friday, March 20, 2009

Reef Sandals Vs Air Port Security

circle closes ... Autumn

Great Buenos Aires! With pleasure we return to this city. We stop in the same place where we lived before nearly four months ago. Here, all this began - here, we were hungry, and eagerly waited impressions to start the trip. Here too, everything ends - thousands of pictures, thousands of miles, hundreds of memories, knowledge contained dziasiatki. And only a few days ahead of us. The way we already do not think that anything else that I need to plan ahead.

In Buenos Aires, the upper line in the districts, to visit whom we ran out of time last time. In the colorful La Boca, in the heart of the old San Telmo we watch couples dancing tango performances. Climate nooks, music everywhere, and street artists ...

All for a few days will end, but for now we are still here - in the hot sun, in the Latin American atmosphere. So how can we use a good-bye and set off for a concert of music and professional tango dance lessons in Buenos Aires!


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