Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Nike Vapor Trail Limited Edition Silver

XVI century Cordoba Argentina, Argentina! Back to civilization. Marathon

bus to the border of Argentina's boliwijsko drove off. Drove off on time. What's more - drove off ahead of time, so we had only hope that everyone who would like him I take - did so. Because the fact that people are more than places of sitting of anything not provided. The journey proceeded without major surprises. Among the smaller became one again, and the stench of burning engine problems running it several times to coach. So nothing serious.

Crossing the border did not cause any problems, nor had to pay for anything, przetrzepywali nor our luggage - one could say with some we felt unsatisfied and disappointed: it went like clockwork. We were also able to cheat on coach Salty! We drove at night and only then started to search luggage ... Twice we blew up police stations in the middle of the night, lined in queues with the luggage and more or less scrupulous police took out things from your bags and searching for the items, suitcases, etc. Many obmacujac bag of coca leaves he found in August, but despite that the coca Argentina is illegal, the police was looking at it seriously.

In Salta we also met a surprise, this time from the accommodation - the first time, Hospitality Club has failed, what seems apparent with "niedogadania" between family members, so not wishing to cause trouble and live in an atmosphere skwaszonej we went to look for cheap hostel.
live rally in the city center. Churches, cathedrals, monuments, colonial architecture and random visits to a family of Polish origin when searching Kola Poles in Salt - as time passes. Our bodies after a long stayed at altitudes dochodza to each other and we can breathe peacefully full breastfeeding.


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