I think to myself, just look at my life, that the decision on adoption should not be spontaneous, but deeply thought out, digested, discussed, so that pregnancy could have a good adoption agency in the heart of the nest. I also think that some women might envy us adoptive mothers (in the positive sense) - because our children to adoption are so much awaited, wymodlone and fancy, and we ourselves are we so prepared for the role of being a mom (in the sense of psychic.) Time is precious teacher, despite the fact that this waiting is sometimes extremely difficult, and so I think that this time of pregnancy adoption is a gift. Sometimes it's hard for me to accept, is a constant waiting, the phone zrwanie (;-) and this huge unknown for how long, but I'm waiting patiently and impatiently, alternately so anyway.
I'm only human, only woman who wishes to give love to your child.
I stare him every day.
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