Thursday, January 29, 2009

Gym For Cervical Spondylosis Patient

El Bolson - San Carlos de Bariloche.

El Bolson subsequent visits and farewell dinner with the pilots of Aeroclub. In total, sat with them half a day, drinking mate, talking on all subjects that only saliva on the language will bring. And dreaming ... dreaming about flying! Amazingly, we were only their first visitors.

with Mario and Alejandro (with Polish roots) spent a evening.
possible that we still have a chance to meet in Poland!

Car ¨ °!

The next day we finally managed to catch some interest on the Ruta 40! Distance is not did the special impression (from El Bolson to Bariloche is just 120km - Argentinian conditions is less than ° a stone's throw ¨). Impressed us was that it stopped a pick-up carrying cherries. So in the midst of the cherry, with a raging wind in your hair started to travel. Disappoint in August just as the driver after a certain time (when only a fellow got out) invited us inside. Maybe, well, on the other hand ...
to San Carlos de Bariloche we arrived without any surprises-smoothly and evenly on the asphalt (which is placed here only less than 10 years ago). City surprised us in appearance, although they already we were inclined to what is seen by the guides and pictures from the Internet. But it is for us, after driving from the north of Patagonia to the south and back, just do not like Argentina. Resort, the crowds of tourists, hotel hotel, chocolate factory, museums, stylized market. Everything pulls tourists to empty wallets. Bariloche - situated on Lake Nahuel Huapi, national park of the same name - which actually has to offer - around is simply beautiful.


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