Tuesday, May 1, 2007
Chinese Bangs African American
Checked on other instruments theory of accumulation cycles Gunn. The results are impressive.
had an idea - if the time so well fulfills the cycles constructed on the theory of the corners, then maybe the price will be attentive to them. Decided to study clusters of corners on the price extremes. The results will inform the end, here on the blog.
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Greetings, dear readers!
On the weekly chart, we can apply for 13 additional cycle time periods are 52 day Relative cycle.
on a monthly and an additional cycle will be 12-period.
Apart These cycles are also used 9-period and 144 time periods are cycles - and in any timeframe.
also common natural cycle that is associated with the transition of land from one Cardinal sign of the zodiac to another. cardinal signs are: Aries, Cancer, Libra, Capricorn. Accordingly, the date of entry Land in these signs:
Aries - March 21-23
Cancer - June 21-23
Libra - September 21-23
Capricorn - December 21-23.
When you work with these cycles should also pay attention to dates, which are separated by 15 days / degrees from the date of entry into the sign: that is, : April 5-6, July 5-6, October 5-6, 5-6 January.
How to apply cycles
Fast forward to May 31, 2005. We have a depression. Let's calculate vysheoboznachennye cycles of this point in the future, with the formation of new extremes, we assume that these cycles, and from them. To predict we will pay attention to the cycles of accumulation "hitters" at one point or near (+ / - 2 days).
On the schedule printed vertical lines for precise concentrations (hitting the same day) and colored rectangles for inaccurate concentrations (+ / - 2 days). Were taken into account clusters of 2 or more cycles of different points - peaks and troughs.
On the chart:
Red dashed vertical lines - exact dates congestion cycles.
blue rectangles - the date range for which falls congestion cycles
Red rectangles - the date of entry into the Earth's cardinal signs Zodiac
Circles - the point from which the considered cycles
Wednesday, April 18, 2007
Toothpaste Nutrition Facts
Biography of William Delbert Gann.

William Delbert Gann was born June 6, 1878 in Lufkin, Texas. His father, Samuel Houston Gann, was a teacher, selling horses and cows. He also owned a small billiard club.
His mother, Susan Rebecca Gann (nee Trevation), devoting all his time to educating VD Gunn and his younger brothers and sisters. She taught the young William to read through the Bible - a book which later had an enormous impact on his thinking about the nature of financial markets.
His family was poor. Samuel, Susan and their eight children lived in a small house, and young William to get to school every day, walked seven miles for three years. Gunn never graduated from high school.
In 1894, William Gunn, aged 16, he left teaching and began to look for work. He became a peddler (sold newspapers, food ...) in the train, which traveled between Texarkana and Tyler, Texas. He also worked in a warehouse cotton.
In 1901, he worked at a brokerage firm in Texarkana, and married his first wife, Rena May Smith.
In 1902, the first daughter was born - Nora. 1902 was also the first year, when Gunn made his first deal in cotton.
In 1903 Gunn moved to New York. He was already 25 years old.
In 1905, the birth of his second daughter, Macie Burnie. September 12, 1905 in a local newspaper Gunn gives his view on the movement of prices of cotton. In 1906, Gunn worked as a broker in Oklahoma.
In 1907, Gunn gets a big profit on the prediction of panic in the stock market and falling commodity market.
In 1908, aged 30 years, Gunn's divorcing his first wife and marry a 19 year-old Sadie Hannify. Together with him in New York and moved his two daughters.
That was the year when he investigated a «Master Time Factor». He traded on two accounts. First, open the $ 300 earned him $ 25,000 for three months. The second, launched with $ 130, fetched $ 12,000 for nearly 30 days. From this Time for Gunn has a reputation for unusually talented trader.
In 1909, at Gunn with Sadie was born their first child - a girl who was named Velma.
In 1910 Gann wrote his first book, "Speculation - profit n rofessiya. He also publishes a newspaper «The Busy Man's News», and later his famous «Supply and Demand Letter».
In early 1914 Gunn predicts a world war and panic in the markets. In 1915, a son - John.
In March 1918 Gann successfully predicts the end of the First World and the Kaiser's abdication from the throne. His predictions were published in many leading newspapers of the time, including the «New York Times».
In 1919 he began work for themselves. He publishes «Supply and Demand Letter», which includes predictions for the stock and commodity markets.
In 1923 Gunn wrote «Truth of the Stock Tape». This book was rated by many as the best book on the market. Over a period of 60 days Gunn got on cotton by more than $ 30,000, beginning with a starting capital of $ 1000.
In 1927 Gunn wrote novel «Tunnel Thru the Air». Gunn wrote it as a statement of their own discoveries. These discoveries have been hidden in the weave of the plot of the book. For many years, traders try to unlock the secrets of this book, but few succeed.
In «Tunnel Thru the Air» Gunn predicts the Second World War, in particular Japan's attack on the United States.
In 1928 Gann successfully predicts the peak of the bull market on Sept. 3, 1929 and follow the greatest in the history of panic.
In 1930 Gunn wrote «Wall Street Stock Selector». In this book he describes the state of the market from 1931 to 1933. In 1931, Gunn became a member of the New York Rubber Exchange and the New Orleans Cotton Exchange.
In 1932, Gunn gives his client a recommendation to buy shares, while the base of the Great Depression.
In 1936 Gann wrote «New Stock Trend Detector» and buys them the same designed all-metal plane of the Silver Star. " He was the first in the U.S., who owned a private, met allicheskim aircraft.
A few years later he bought a few airplanes. His pilot for 19 years was Elinor Smith. Gunn also buys mortgages and high-speed yacht.
In 1937 Gann wrote « How to Make Profits Trading i n Puts and Calls ». In the same year he divorced his second wife.
Gunn wrote «Face Facts America». In this book he explains why Germany lost the war and why America should not go to war. He also stresses big problems he sees in the "New Deal" of the American government and its consequences.
In 1941, Gunn became a member of the Chicago Mercantile Exchange. He conducts a campaign against Roosevelt and his New Deal. It was a time when the U.S. government had a huge budget, and Ford has stopped production because of the crisis of overproduction.
In 1941 Gunn wrote «How to Make Profits in Commodities». authors of the original edition of 1941 were VD Gunn and his son John.
In 1944 Gunn married a third time on Londi, who was 30 years his junior. Gunn treated her like a queen (much to the dismay of their children). Gunn moved to a more warm climate of Miami in Florida. There he sells, is engaged in property investment and continues to teach its students.
In 1948, Gunn sells Joseph Lederer his company in San Luis (Missouri).
In 1949 Gunn wrote «45 Years in Wall Street». Based on the merits of the book «The International Mark Twain» makes him an honorary member Society.
In 1950 Gunn wrote «The Magic Word». This was his contribution to biblical literature.
May 23, 1951 Gunn, along with Ed. Lambert base «Lambert-Gann Publishing Company». This the company has published all the books and courses Gunn. Gunn revises and republishes «How to Make Profits in Commodities», removes the name and photo of John in the book. Updated edition in 1951 was huge success. At the age of 73 years, Gunn has free tools on the $ 500 a day for his consulting services. He sells
«WD Gann Research, Inc.» CC Loosely in New York.
In 1954, at age 76, Gunn buys high-speed boat, calling it «The Coffee Bean / Coffee Seed" in honor of a successful transaction on a commodity exchange. «Great Master Course »Hanna sells for $ 5000, and in 1954 it is - the price of the average home.
Gunn suffer a heart attack, and after the survey had detected stomach cancer.
In 1955, Gunn returned from one of his many trips to Cuba, where He liked to buy tickets for the Cuban lottery and playing the races. He felt sick and very weak.
son John took him from Florida to New York where Gunn was placed in a hospital, the Methodist Church in Brooklyn.
VD Gunn died at 15:20 June 18, 1955 at the age of 77 years. Children of Hanna agreed to bury his second wife Sadie, in the Masonic section of the cemetery «Greenwood» in Brooklyn, at the mall overlooking the backbone of Manhattan and his beloved Wall Street.
John Gann was a pilot during the Second World War. He spoke very strongly about his father, especially after he married a third time. John Gunn died in 1984.)
Used Material from the site Astrotrader.Ru
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Template Graphics
formulaic, graphics called because for their construction Gunn take a predetermined amount of X and Y . Size charts are closely linked with the cycles of Gunn (about them in future articles).
most popular template schedules Gunn is "Square 360", "Square 144", "Square 52". The number in the designation of the schedule refers to the number of periods for the price and time. That is, for example, 144 square means that is drawn pattern on blank paper, where there are 144 periods of the X (time) and 144 for the period Y (price). Obtain a square with sides = 144. Then spend the diagonal of all 4 corners of the square. Diagonal connecting the corners of a square is 1x1 Gann Angle (45 degrees), and additionally are constructed of 2x1 and 1x2 corners ..
Then the space squared divided by 8 horizontal and 8 vertical sectors. In addition the division also conducted 1/3-ti to give three vertical and three horizontal sector.
As said Gunn, "a picture is worth a thousand words, so that by example and analyze it all at once become clear.
The chart text marked angles, the vertical blue lines divide the square into 8 equal temporal sectors. Horizontal blue lines divide the square into 8 equal price sectors. Green division (horizontal and vertical) by dividing the square into 1/3-ti costs and time.
You can see both graphs intersect angles. These point, Murray calls "zones of conflict." Gunn speaks of them as points of instability. These zones have the kind of energy charges and the price falling they can either turn around or get a vigorous impetus to the development of the current trend.
important sectors in the template chart Gann felt ¼, ¾ and ½. Also important are 1/3-ti.
coffee on the chart you can see how the price has passed its 144 day cycle is ideal. It ended exactly at the top right corner of Square 144. This means that the price is at that moment in the balance over time or price trimmed time. Gunn argued that this point will always be a reversal. What we see. Similarly, at the balance price turned around and went down by more than 20 cents.
By and large, formulaic plots is simply combining separate tools Gunn - the angles and converting the price to degrees. Ie, we take a cycle (in our case, the cycle 144) and take him for a full circle ie 360. The first "tense" aspect (degrees relative to the current) is 45 degrees, and it is 1 / 8 circle. Therefore, dividing the square go to 1 / 8. T.o in part of a pattern graph, we have a fully marked-up prices to move in a cycle of 144. Ie in fact, this method gives us a pre-defined trend lines (in the form of angles) predefined support and resistance levels (horizontal lines) and predefined reversal date (vertical lines). Not the fact that the market will their work perfectly, but Gann considered them important, and as experience shows this is true.
main and generics are the squares 20, 90, 120, 144. Increasing the square of 90 by two, we get another square pattern 180 increases it by 2, we obtain the main template - Square 360 \u200b\u200b- a pattern full circle. But often this template is too large, but it can be divided into smaller ones - 90 and 180, which are more often used in practice.
Construction of a pattern Graphics
Knowing step rates for the schedule, we can build a schedule any pattern, any square from 1 to 1000000. Consider the construction of a pattern graph "Square 52" on a weekly chart in MetaTrader.
To begin, select a starting point. Let it be at least November 2005 - pivot point movement against the dollar at 1.1639. We then define the scale. For a week I use the Euro prices move in 16 points on the bar.
now define with the end point of the square, ie where is the upper-right corner. For this step, we multiply the price of the size of the square: 16h52 = 832. We add this value to a reference point: 1.1639 0.0832 = 1.2471.
Ie us should be deferred from the initial point 52 bar to the right (exactly one year on a weekly chart) and 832 points up (to 1.2471). Obtain the date of 11.12.2006 year and the price of 1.2471 ..
See the picture ...
Next, divide the square into 1 / 8 vertical and horizontal. You have a range of 832 points, divide by 8 and we get: 832 / 8 = 104 .. Time range = 52 / 8 = 6,5. This number is not whole, but generally the picture is not spoiled. We will draw vertical division every 6.7 bars and 104 points. As well as guides on 1 / 3. Enjoying picture ...
Next, you need to hold corners. For this, from every corner of the three lines connecting the corner and diagonal angle and the angle and the middle of opposite sides. (This will be the corners of 1x1, 1x2 and 2x1). That's it. The schedule is ready. See the picture ..
Notice how the end of the correction to "take off" prices had exactly the angle of 1x1 and ¼ time sector. A sharp "shock" prices fell on the area of \u200b\u200bintersection angles and 1 / 3 the price and on time - a "zone instability, which we discussed above, the zone balance of price and time. (1 / 3 the price and 1 / 3 of the time).
In the next article, devoted to the cycles will be given support to which patterns should be applied to any tayifreymu and why.
Tuesday, April 17, 2007
How To Trade Pokemon Using Vba On Mac
still makes stuff for the template schedules. Recently will be ready soon and lay out.
Monday, April 16, 2007
Thick, Yellow Discharge 12 Dpo
Gann angles
What are the angles?
One technique is to use Gann to the market geometric angles. Geometric, they are called by virtue of the fact that Gunn is often based their work on figure and predicting the "square". All graphs It builds on grid paper divided into squares, where an increase of 1 unit on X (X) was equal to the increase of 1 unit on Y (igrek). Thus Having no schedule line Y = kX (equation of linear dependence), we obtain certain angles depending on the value of the coefficient k .
main angle Gann considered the angle with coefficient 1 (ie Y = X , or 45 degrees). Next in importance are the angles by a factor of a multiple of 2, ie - 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, etc., as well as ½, ¼, 1 / 6, 1 / 8, 1 / 10, 1 / 12, etc. followed are the angles by a factor of 3 and 9, etc. Although in practice is quite enough of the lines by a factor of up to 8 (the number of lines in the Fan of the Gunn "I would called "harmonic" - ie, if the harmonic is equal to 4 then we draw 7 lines with coefficients - 2, 3, 4 and ½, 1 / 3, ¼, and the main angle, with coefficient 1).
As build Gann angles?
most complete construction of angles Gunn is on the key points up and down, and from 0. Let us construct the angles at example of a weekly schedule EUR / USD .
To construct the angles I used the harmonic equal to 2. Step rates 16 points per period (week). Zero angles will build a harmonic = 8
So, we have point 1 - significant at least at the level of euro 0.8225 educated 23.10.2000 year. Construct a fan of him ascending Gunn, as well as fan taken from that date, but started from 0. (Further, for ease of reading on the chart 0th angles built green, angles from the lows - in blue, from the highs - red). Moving further on the schedule, we construct the angles from all significant turning points. Have a look at how exactly the price finds support / resistance on the projections of these angles.
I deliberately did not build the angles of the points later peak in December 2004 to show only part of the picture. The following chart angles constructed since December 2004. The price is also very "attentive" to them.
Using Gann angles
In addition, angles themselves are strong levels of support / resistance, there are several options for their interpretation.
intersection angles. Important points on the graph are the points of intersection angles to each other. If the price falls exactly at the point of intersection is extremely high probability that at this point, it will unfold. Also, the very price and time zone near the intersection is important. The likelihood is high that in this region will find the price resistance / support. Particularly important are the points of intersection of angles by a factor of 1 and 2, the angles with equal coefficients, as well as intersections with angles constructed from 0.
situation with respect to the price of 1x1 corners. While prices are above the angle of 1x1 constructed from a minimum, the market is "strong" long positions are preferred, and the opening short is not recommended. While prices are below the angle of 1x1 was built from the top, the market is "weak" Short positions are preferred, the discovery of long is not recommended.
There are several variants of the corners, but they are included in other techniques such as templates, graphics and squaring. Information about them will be later.
Sunday, April 15, 2007
Itchy Palms And The Flu
Not so long ago I was head gone into the study of methods for analyzing market UD Hanna. Here I share my thoughts on how markets and to publish excerpts from the works of Hanna for all who are interested in his methods.